Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beans Grow Fast

Some beans planted in August have mature pods on them

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some Random Pictures

Ginger(with some unknown sprouts)

Four O'Clock Flowers(looking a bit ragged because of bad soil)

Ripening Tomatoes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Anthurium Looks Good

Failed Watermelons LOL

The watermelon plants were a failure, only 2 little watermelons grew

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Strawberry Seedlings

These are a couple of strawberries I have growing, the one on the upper right is a commercial strawberry started from seeds collected off a store bought berry, the lower right one is a wild seedling I found growing in one of my flower pots, who knows what it is or where it came from.

Fertile Looking Compost

The compost bin looks pretty fertile, some discarded seeds are growing like crazy. The white fuzzy blob is a mass of fungus. The compost bin is just a large storage bin with a piece of screen on top to control the flies.

Transplanted Daylilies Update

These are the Montfort daylilies I planted from this post , a lot of the original foliage has died back and new sprouts are growing in their place. Underneath the soil there are a ton of new roots growing, that's a good sign.

Growing Daylily Seeds

I've bought some hybrid daylily seeds from unknown parents.
Below is the seed packet, they look like tiny raisins. They have been dried and chilled in the refrigerator for some weeks(stratification)

I planted some seeds in 16oz beer cups, these are mostly the second batch. The soil is 2 parts Miracle Gro Enriched Potting Mix to 1 part Composted manure. The seeds were soaked(floated really) in water for one day except the tag that says 'peroxide' they were immersed in a very weak peroxide solution for 2 days before planting, we'll see if that makes any difference to germination.

Three seeds from the first batch of 10 seeds have sprouted today, its been about a week. Below is the largest sprout.